Browse Level

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accounting & Finance (FT) BUSI4I810 Module
Accounting (EBS) BUSI4O110 Module
Accounting, Finance & Economics, SLA BUSI4T620 Module
Accounting, Finance and Economics (Online) BUSI4K120 Module
Accounting, Finance and Economics (Taught) BUSI4K220 Module
Advanced Business Data Analysis and Consultancy (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N630 Module
Advanced Business Modelling (DL) BUSI41X15 Module
Advanced Business Modelling (EBS) BUSI4ZX15 Module
Advanced Business Modelling (Executive) BUSI40N15 Module
Advanced Business Modelling (FT) BUSI40O15 Module
Advanced Forecasting BUSI4X815 Module
Advanced Management and Marketing Theory BUSI4T115 Module
Advanced Marketing Strategy BUSI49WJN Module
Advanced Marketing Strategy BUSI49W15 Module
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (Management and Marketing) BUSI4H615 Module
Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis BUSI4T215 Module
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods (Management and Marketing) BUSI4H715 Module
Advanced Seminars in Management and Marketing BUSI4H915 Module
Applied Behaviour Analysis BUSI4ZR15 Module
Applied Behaviour Analysis (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N515 Module
Applied Marketing Research (Online) BUSI4I315 Module
Applied Marketing Science (DL) BUSI4D415 Module
Applied Marketing Science (FT) BUSI42415 Module
Applied Seminar in Procurement BUSI4AQ15 Module
Approaches to Decision Making (FT) BUSI49315 Module
Approaches to Decision Making (PT/Executive) BUSI44315 Module
Arts, Heritage and Tourism Marketing BUSI4G6JN Module
Arts, Heritage and Tourism Marketing BUSI4G615 Module
Asset Management Planning (FT) BUSI49415 Module
Asset Management Planning (PT/Executive) BUSI44415 Module
Behavioural Economics and Finance (Full-Time) BUSI46I15 Module
Business Analysis (DL) BUSI53615 Module
Business Analytics (EBS) BUSI4P110 Module
Business Analytics (FT) BUSI4M710 Module
Business Analytics (Online) BUSI4M010 Module
Business Analytics (Taught) BUSI4M110 Module
Business and Management in the Pacific Rim (FT) BUSI49815 Module
Business and Management in the Pacific Rim (PT/Executive) BUSI44815 Module
Business Economics and Accounting BUSI52415 Module
Business Economics and Accounting (Online) BUSI41R15 Module
Business Economics and Accounting (Taught) BUSI46X15 Module
Business Ethics (FT) BUSI49615 Module
Business Ethics (Online) BUSI57515 Module
Business Ethics (PT/Executive) BUSI44615 Module
Business Research Methods BUSI4E615 Module
Business Research: Functions and Disciplines BUSI52715 Module
Business to Business Marketing BUSI4G515 Module
Business to Business Marketing BUSI4G5JN Module
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (EBS) BUSI4Z215 Module
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (Executive) BUSI45815 Module
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (FT) BUSI52915 Module
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (FT) BUSI4A015 Module
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (Online) BUSI41V15 Module
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (Online) BUSI41T15 Module
Buyer Behaviour & Marketing Communications (Taught) BUSI4F015 Module
Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Communications (Online) BUSI4D515 Module
Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Innovation BUSI425JN Module
Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Innovation BUSI42515 Module
Change in Organisations BUSI49H30 Module
Change Management BUSI4X715 Module
Change Management: Theory and Practice (DL) BUSI40K15 Module
Change Management: Theory and Practice (EBS) BUSI40V15 Module
Change Management: Theory and Practice (Executive) BUSI40X15 Module
Change Management: Theory and Practice (FT) BUSI4ZN15 Module
Coaching and Mentoring BUSI43130 Module
Competitive Strategies and Organisational Fitness BUSI46S15 Module
Competitive Strategies and Organisational Fitness BUSI46SJN Module
Consulting BUSI45J15 Module
Consulting BUSI45JJN Module
Consumers and Consumerism BUSI4G8JN Module
Consumers and Consumerism BUSI4G815 Module
Contemporary Marketing Communication BUSI4H215 Module
Contemporary Marketing Communication BUSI4H2JN Module
Corporate Finance (EBS) BUSI4Y515 Module
Corporate Finance (FT) BUSI49015 Module
Corporate Finance (Online) BUSI45T15 Module
Corporate Finance (Online) BUSI59715 Module
Corporate Finance (PT/Executive) BUSI44015 Module
Corporate Governance (FT) BUSI4A115 Module
Corporate Governance (PT/Executive) BUSI45015 Module
Corporate Reporting and Control (EBS) BUSI4Y615 Module
Corporate Reporting and Control (Executive) BUSI45115 Module
Corporate Reporting and Control (FT) BUSI4A215 Module
Crisis Management (FT) BUSI4A315 Module
Crisis Management (Online) BUSI44I15 Module
Crisis Management (PT/Executive) BUSI45215 Module
Crisis Management (Taught) BUSI43I15 Module
Data Analytics for Strategic Decision-Making BUSI4R115 Module
Data Science for Business BUSI4X915 Module
Decision Analysis for Management Judgement (DL) BUSI41215 Module
Decision Making and Business Modelling BUSI4G2JN Module
Decision Making and Business Modelling BUSI4G215 Module
Delivering Service Excellence (Online) BUSI42W15 Module
Delivering Service Excellence Taught) BUSI43J15 Module
Design Thinking for Innovation (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N230 Module
Designing and Marketing Services BUSI49UJN Module
Designing and Marketing Services BUSI49U15 Module
Developing Skills for Business and Leadership BUSI41000 Module
Digital Marketing BUSI4Q415 Module
Digital Marketing BUSI4Q4JN Module
Digital Marketing Strategies (Blended Learning) BUSI48P15 Module
Digital Marketing Strategies (Online) BUSI48R15 Module
Digital Marketing Strategies (Taught) BUSI47I15 Module
Digital Supply Chain BUSI4AL15 Module
Digital, Resilient and Sustainable Procurement BUSI4X615 Module
E-Commerce (FT) BUSI4A415 Module
E-Commerce (Online) BUSI57115 Module
E-Commerce (PT/Executive) BUSI45315 Module
East Asian Business and Management BUSI5A815 Module
East Asian Business and Management BUSI5A8JN Module
Econometric Methods and Applications BUSI54330 Module
Economics for Global Business (EBS) BUSI4O210 Module
Effective Sales Force Leadership (Online) BUSI42X15 Module
Effective Sales Force Leadership (Taught) BUSI43L15 Module
Embedding Enterprise BUSI46P15 Module
Employee Relations BUSI5C315 Module
Employee Relations BUSI5C3JN Module
Employee Relations & Reward (Online) BUSI47J15 Module
Employee Relations & Reward (Taught) BUSI4G015 Module
Employee Reward Strategy BUSI49Z15 Module
Employee Reward Strategy BUSI49ZJN Module
Employment Relations (FT) BUSI4A615 Module
Employment Relations (PT/Executive) BUSI45415 Module
Entrepreneurial Management BUSI4J710 Module
Entrepreneurial Practice (FT) BUSI4J810 Module
Entrepreneurship (CPD) BUSI4R710 Module
Entrepreneurship (EBS) BUSI4Y715 Module
Entrepreneurship (Executive) BUSI45515 Module
Entrepreneurship (FT) BUSI4A715 Module
Entrepreneurship (MSc) BUSI45X15 Module
Entrepreneurship (Online) BUSI4L210 Module
Entrepreneurship (Online) BUSI4L2D1 Module
Entrepreneurship (Online) BUSI4L2D2 Module
Entrepreneurship (Online) BUSI5A115 Module
Entrepreneurship (Taught) BUSI4L310 Module
Entrepreneurship (Taught) BUSI4M515 Module
Entrepreneurship (Taught) BUSI43515 Module
Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up (Executive) BUSI46J15 Module
Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up (Full-Time) BUSI46K15 Module
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Process BUSI47H15 Module
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Process (Online) BUSI5DL15 Module
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Process (Taught) BUSI44Z15 Module
Entrepreneurship and Venture Growth (Taught) BUSI48Q15 Module
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice (Level 4) BUSI4Q330 Module
Event Management (Online) BUSI43P15 Module
Event Management (Taught) BUSI43V15 Module
Finance (EBS) BUSI4O310 Module
Financial Data Analysis and Econometrics Methods (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N430 Module
Financial Management (DL) BUSI54415 Module
Financial Management (Online) BUSI4ZL15 Module
Financial Planning and Control (FT) BUSI49115 Module
Financial Planning and Control (Online) BUSI41515 Module
Financial Planning and Control (Online) BUSI45S15 Module
Financial Planning and Control (PT/Executive) BUSI44115 Module
Financial Risk Management (FT) BUSI49215 Module
Financial Risk Management (Online) BUSI41415 Module
Financial Risk Management (PT/Executive) BUSI44215 Module
Financial Risk Management (Taught) BUSI4H415 Module
Fundamentals of Operations and Supply Chain Management BUSI4AR15 Module
Fundamentals of The Philosophy of The Social Sciences BUSI4S715 Module
Further Topics in Entrepreneurship (Block Taught) BUSI44X15 Module
Further Topics in Entrepreneurship (Online) BUSI5C915 Module
Global Business BUSI5G8JN Module
Global Business BUSI5G815 Module
Global Business (Online) BUSI43Q15 Module
Global Business (Taught) BUSI43W15 Module
Global Corporate Strategy (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N115 Module
Global Financial Markets and Institutions (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N315 Module
Global Marketing BUSI45WJN Module
Global Marketing BUSI45W15 Module
Global Marketing (Executive) BUSI46215 Module
Global Marketing (FT) BUSI43A15 Module
Global Marketing (Online) BUSI47K15 Module
Global Marketing (Taught) BUSI47M15 Module
Global Retailing (Online) BUSI42Y15 Module
Global Retailing (Taught) BUSI44K15 Module
Global Sport Business BUSI4Q5JN Module
Global Sport Business BUSI4Q515 Module
Global Strategic Management (FT) BUSI4A815 Module
Global Strategic Management (Level 4) BUSI4P930 Module
Global Strategic Management (PT/Executive) BUSI45615 Module
Global Supply Chain and International Logistics Management BUSI4AP15 Module
Global Supply Chain Leadership BUSI48Z15 Module
Global Supply Chain Leadership BUSI48ZJN Module
Globalising Strategic Management (Online) BUSI42Z15 Module
Globalising Strategic Management (Taught) BUSI43M15 Module
Globalizing Strategic Management (EBS) BUSI4Y815 Module
Green Supply Chain and Logistics Systems BUSI48WJN Module
Human Resource Development BUSI45LJN Module
Human Resource Development BUSI45L15 Module
Human Resource Management (FT) BUSI53215 Module
Human Resource Management (Online) BUSI54515 Module
Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues (Taught) BUSI44O15 Module
Human Resource Management: Special Topics (Online) BUSI41P15 Module
Improving Management Decision Making (EBS) BUSI4Y915 Module
Improving Management Decision Making (FT) BUSI4A915 Module
Improving Management Decision Making (Online) BUSI46H15 Module
Improving Management Decision Making (PT/Executive) BUSI45715 Module
Improving Management Decision Making (Taught) BUSI45R15 Module
Individual Research Project BUSI4T360 Module
Influencer and Content Marketing: Theory and Practice BUSI4X160 Module
Information Systems - Realising the Strategic Potential (DL) BUSI54215 Module
Information Systems in the Supply Chain BUSI4Z115 Module
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (DL) BUSI41W15 Module
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (EBS) BUSI40Q15 Module
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (Executive) BUSI40S15 Module
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (FT) BUSI40T15 Module
Innovation and Technology Management BUSI53315 Module
Innovation and Technology Management BUSI533JN Module
Innovation and Technology Management (Level 4) BUSI4Q030 Module
International Business in Context (BLENDED) BUSI49S15 Module
International Business in Context (FT) BUSI4J420 Module
International Business in Context (Taught) BUSI4M410 Module
International Economics (FT) BUSI40A15 Module
International Economics (PT/Executive) BUSI45915 Module
International Finance (FT) BUSI41A15 Module
International Finance (PT/Executive) BUSI46015 Module
International Financial Management (FT) BUSI42A15 Module
International Financial Management (PT/Executive) BUSI46115 Module
International Human Resource Management (EBS) BUSI4Z415 Module
International Human Resource Management (FT) BUSI4V215 Module
International Human Resource Management (PT/Executive) BUSI4V315 Module
International Marketing (Online) BUSI47N15 Module
International Marketing (Taught) BUSI47L15 Module
International Perspectives on Management BUSI45H15 Module
International Strategic Management (Online) BUSI54115 Module
International Study Tour BUSI47Z15 Module
International Study Tour BUSI47ZJN Module
International Tourism (Online) BUSI43H15 Module
International Tourism (Taught) BUSI43N15 Module
Internationalisation of Services (FT) BUSI44A15 Module
Internationalisation of Services (PT/Executive) BUSI46315 Module
Interpreting and Improving Management Accounting Information BUSI55615 Module
Introduction to Management BUSI4Q715 Module
Investing in and Financing of Real Estate BUSI4Z315 Module
Islamic Management BUSI4S015 Module
Issues in Public Management (Executive) BUSI46415 Module
Issues in Public Management (FT) BUSI45A15 Module
Issues in Public Management (Online) BUSI57715 Module
Leadership (EBS) BUSI4Z515 Module
Leadership (Executive) BUSI4P815 Module
Leadership (FT) BUSI4E815 Module
Leadership (Online) BUSI47O15 Module
Leadership (Online) BUSI47W15 Module
Leadership (Taught) BUSI47X15 Module
Leadership (Taught) BUSI47P15 Module
Leadership and Followership (Level 4) BUSI4P730 Module
Leadership in Organisations BUSI49I30 Module
Leading and Managing Cultural Change BUSI55930 Module
Leading and Managing People (FT) BUSI4I710 Module
Leading and Managing People (Online) BUSI4K320 Module
Leading and Managing People (Taught) BUSI4U020 Module
Leading and Managing People (Taught) BUSI4K420 Module
Leading and Managing the Strategic Process BUSI55830 Module
Leading Change (CPD) BUSI4R510 Module
Leading Change (EBS) BUSI4P310 Module
Leading Through Technology BUSI40I30 Module
Leading Your Team BUSI55415 Module
Logic and Argumentation in the Social Sciences BUSI4H815 Module
Macro Perspectives On Business BUSI40E15 Module
Management and Career Development (DL) BUSI53815 Module
Management Consultancy (EBS) BUSI4Z615 Module
Management Consultancy (Executive) BUSI46615 Module
Management Consultancy (FT) BUSI47A15 Module
Management Consultancy (FT) BUSI4J910 Module
Management Consultancy (Online) BUSI4L6D1 Module
Management Consultancy (Online) BUSI4L610 Module
Management Consultancy (Online) BUSI4L6D2 Module
Management Consultancy (Taught) BUSI4L710 Module
Management Decision Making BUSI41615 Module
Management Information Strategy BUSI5C215 Module
Management of Change (Online) BUSI41015 Module
Management Theory and Thought (DL) BUSI40L15 Module
Managerial Psychology (FT) BUSI48A15 Module
Managerial Psychology (Online) BUSI50815 Module
Managerial Psychology (PT/Executive) BUSI46715 Module
Managing Data-Driven Innovation BUSI4Q915 Module
Managing Finance (DL) (to 2009) BUSI57015 Module
Managing Finance (EBS) BUSI4W815 Module
Managing Finance (FT) BUSI48415 Module
Managing Finance (Online) (from 2015) BUSI42S15 Module
Managing Finance (Taught) BUSI45Q15 Module
Managing Finance 2 (DL) BUSI41Y15 Module
Managing Finance 2 (EBS) BUSI4ZS15 Module
Managing in the Competitive Environment BUSI5F215 Module
Managing in the Competitive Environment (DL) (to 2009) BUSI57215 Module
Managing in the Competitive Environment (EBS) BUSI4W915 Module
Managing in the Competitive Environment (Executive) BUSI43615 Module
Managing in the Competitive Environment (FT) BUSI48515 Module
Managing in the Competitive Environment (Online) (from 2010) BUSI42T15 Module
Managing in the Competitive Environment (Taught) BUSI45O15 Module
Managing in the Global Environment (DL) (to 2009) BUSI57315 Module
Managing in the Global Environment (EBS) BUSI4Y215 Module
Managing in the Global Environment (Executive) BUSI43815 Module
Managing in the Global Environment (FT) BUSI48715 Module
Managing in the Global Environment (Online) BUSI42U15 Module
Managing in the Global Environment (Taught) BUSI45N15 Module
Managing Information (DL) (to 2009) BUSI49515 Module
Managing Information (EBS) BUSI4Y115 Module
Managing Knowledge BUSI4Z715 Module
Managing Legal Risk (EBS) BUSI4Z815 Module
Managing Legal Risk (FT) BUSI49715 Module
Managing Legal Risk (PT/Executive) BUSI44715 Module
Managing Marketing Communications (EBS) BUSI4Z915 Module
Managing Marketing Communications (FT) BUSI49A15 Module
Managing Marketing Communications (Online) BUSI58415 Module
Managing Marketing Communications (PT/Executive) BUSI46815 Module
Managing People (DL) (to 2009) BUSI57415 Module
Managing People (EBS) BUSI4W715 Module
Managing People (EBS) BUSI4O410 Module
Managing People (Executive) BUSI43415 Module
Managing People (FT) BUSI48315 Module
Managing People (Online) (from 2010) BUSI42V15 Module
Managing People (Taught) BUSI45P15 Module
Managing Process Improvement BUSI55715 Module
Managing Social Entrepreneurship BUSI44V15 Module
Managing Social Marketing Campaigns (Executive) BUSI42J15 Module
Managing Social Marketing Campaigns (Full-Time) BUSI42I15 Module
Managing Social Marketing Campaigns (Online) BUSI46G15 Module
Managing Systems (DL) BUSI59215 Module
Marketing (CPD) BUSI4R310 Module
Marketing (EBS) BUSI4O510 Module
Marketing (FT) BUSI4I910 Module
Marketing (Online) BUSI4K520 Module
Marketing (Online) BUSI4S6D1 Module
Marketing (Online) BUSI4S6D2 Module
Marketing (Taught) BUSI4K620 Module
Marketing Management BUSI55515 Module
Marketing Management (DL) BUSI54315 Module
Marketing Management and Strategy BUSI4G9JN Module
Marketing Management and Strategy BUSI4G915 Module
Marketing Psychology (EBS) BUSI4ZA15 Module
Marketing Theory BUSI4H015 Module
Marketing Theory BUSI4H0JN Module
Marketing Theory and Practice BUSI4R930 Module
Methods of Inquiry (DL) (to 2009) BUSI50015 Module
Methods of Inquiry (EBS) BUSI4Y315 Module
Methods of Inquiry (Executive) BUSI43915 Module
Methods of Inquiry (FT) BUSI48815 Module
Methods of Inquiry (Online) (from 2010) BUSI42R15 Module
Methods of Inquiry (Taught) BUSI49M15 Module
Methods of Organisational Inquiry BUSI40030 Module
Methods of Organisational Inquiry (15 credits) BUSI42K15 Module
Micro Perspectives On Business BUSI40C15 Module
Modelling and Analysis for Management (DL) BUSI41Z15 Module
Modelling and Analysis for Management (EBS) BUSI40Y15 Module
Modelling and Analysis for Management (Executive) BUSI41I15 Module
Modelling and Analysis for Management (FT) BUSI41J15 Module
Models for Decision (Executive) BUSI48J15 Module
Models for Decision (FT) BUSI48O15 Module
Negotiation (EBS) BUSI4P410 Module
Negotiation Management BUSI47Y15 Module
Negotiation Management BUSI4ZB15 Module
Negotiation Management BUSI4ZP15 Module
Negotiation Management (FT) BUSI48K15 Module
New Venture Creation BUSI5C7JN Module
New Venture Creation BUSI5C715 Module
New Venture Creation (FT) BUSI4B015 Module
New Venture Creation (Online) BUSI4L4D2 Module
New Venture Creation (Online) BUSI4L4D1 Module
New Venture Creation (Online) BUSI4L410 Module
New Venture Creation (Taught) BUSI4L510 Module
New Venture Creation and Enterprise Skills (Online) BUSI46T15 Module
New Venture Creation and Enterprise Skills (Taught) BUSI44W15 Module
New Venutre Creation (PT/Executive) BUSI46915 Module
Operations and Supply Chain Management BUSI55215 Module
Operations and Supply Chain Management BUSI552JN Module
Operations and Supply Chain Management (Online) BUSI40M15 Module
Operations and Supply Chain Management (Taught) BUSI46Y15 Module
Operations and Technology (CPD) BUSI4R410 Module
Operations and Technology (EBS) BUSI4O610 Module
Operations and Technology (FT) BUSI4J110 Module
Operations and Technology (Online) BUSI4K720 Module
Operations and Technology (Taught) BUSI4K820 Module
Operations Management BUSI4ZC15 Module
Organisational Behaviour BUSI4V815 Module
Organisational Behaviour BUSI4V8JN Module
Organisational Behaviour (Online) BUSI5C515 Module
Organisational Behaviour (Taught) BUSI46V15 Module
Organisational Context BUSI40430 Module
Organisational Context BUSI43K15 Module
Organisational Inquiry Report BUSI41030 Module
Organising for Strategic Advantage (EBS) BUSI4ZD15 Module
Organising for Strategic Advantage (FT) BUSI4B115 Module
Organising for Strategic Advantage (PT/Executive) BUSI47015 Module
Personal Development BUSI41715 Module
Placement (MSc Management) BUSI46Q60 Module
Placement (Msc Management) BUSI48T60 Module
Portfolio Construction and Management (FT) BUSI4B215 Module
Portfolio Construction and Management (PT/Executive) BUSI47115 Module
Power, Control and Resistance in Organisations BUSI49K30 Module
Practising Business Research BUSI40D15 Module
Practising Business Research (Fudan DBA) BUSI4M915 Module
Practising Social Marketing (Online) BUSI4Z015 Module
Practising Social Marketing (Taught) BUSI44P15 Module
Project Management (EBS) BUSI4ZE15 Module
Project Management (EBS) BUSI4P510 Module
Project Management (FT) BUSI43B15 Module
Project Management (FT) BUSI4K010 Module
Project Management (MSc) BUSI45Y15 Module
Project Management (MSc) BUSI45YJN Module
Project Management (Online) BUSI4L8D2 Module
Project Management (Online) BUSI50915 Module
Project Management (Online) BUSI4L8D1 Module
Project Management (PT/Executive) BUSI47215 Module
Project Management (Taught) BUSI4L910 Module
Project Management (Taught) BUSI4M615 Module
Purchasing and Supply Management BUSI4ZF15 Module
Qualitative Methods for Doctoral Research BUSI4T015 Module
Quality Management (FT) BUSI4B315 Module
Quality Management (PT/Executive) BUSI47315 Module
Quantitative Marketing Research (EBS) BUSI4ZG15 Module
Quantitative Marketing Research (FT) BUSI4B415 Module
Quantitative Marketing Research (Online) BUSI40915 Module
Quantitative Marketing Research (PT/Executive) BUSI47415 Module
Quantitative Methods for Doctoral Research BUSI4S915 Module
Quantitative Methods for Social Science Research I BUSI4W115 Module
Real Estate Management and Valuation BUSI4ZH15 Module
Reframing Management BUSI45K15 Module
Regional Integration and Organizational Response (FT) BUSI4B515 Module
Regional Integration and Organizational Response (PT/Executive) BUSI47515 Module
Regional Regeneration and Management (FT) BUSI4B615 Module
Regional Regeneration and Management (PT/Executive) BUSI47615 Module
Research Design Workshop (Level 4) BUSI49L60 Module
Research Design Workshop (Level 5) BUSI54060 Module
Research Design, Process and Philosophy BUSI4H530 Module
Research Methods (Msc Management - Finance) BUSI48Y15 Module
Research Methods (Msc Management) BUSI48X15 Module
Research Methods (Online) BUSI5A615 Module
Research Methods and Dissertation in Marketing BUSI4X060 Module
Research Methods and Philosophical Analysis BUSI48V15 Module
Research Methods in Marketing BUSI4G715 Module
Research Methods in Marketing BUSI4G7JN Module
Research Proposal (Level 4) BUSI40290 Module
Retail Management (Online) BUSI43R15 Module
Retail Management (Taught) BUSI43X15 Module
Retail Marketing Management BUSI49TJN Module
Retail Marketing Management BUSI49T15 Module
Retail Science BUSI4R015 Module
Rigour and Relevance in Business Research BUSI4E715 Module
Sales Management (Online) BUSI43S15 Module
Sales Management (Taught) BUSI43Y15 Module
Scenario Thinking (Online) BUSI46N15 Module
Scenario Thinking (Taught) BUSI46O15 Module
Security Analysis (FT) BUSI4B715 Module
Security Analysis (PT/Executive) BUSI47715 Module
Service Operations and Analytics BUSI4AK15 Module
Services Management (Online) BUSI43T15 Module
Services Management (Taught) BUSI43Z15 Module
Silicon Valley Field Trip BUSI4Q615 Module
Small Business BUSI5B415 Module
Small Business Management (EBS) BUSI4ZI15 Module
Small Business Management (FT) BUSI4B815 Module
Small Business Management (Online) BUSI54615 Module
Small Business Management (Online) BUSI59515 Module
Small Business Management (PT/Executive) BUSI47815 Module
Small Business Management (Taught) BUSI46R15 Module
Social Entrepreneurship (Online) BUSI44J15 Module
Social Entrepreneurship (Taught) BUSI43O15 Module
Social Marketing BUSI4G4JN Module
Social Marketing BUSI4G415 Module
Social Media Strategies (Blended-Learning) BUSI47Q15 Module
Social Media Strategies (Online) BUSI47R15 Module
Social Media Strategies (Taught) BUSI47S15 Module
Strategic Awareness and Marketing BUSI40130 Module
Strategic Brand Management BUSI49V15 Module
Strategic Brand Management BUSI49VJN Module
Strategic Case Analysis BUSI4L160 Module
Strategic Case Analysis (Online) BUSI4L1D2 Module
Strategic Case Analysis (Online) BUSI4L1D1 Module
Strategic Consulting Project BUSI4T0D1 Module
Strategic Consulting Project BUSI4T0D2 Module
Strategic Customer Relationship Management (FT) BUSI4E115 Module
Strategic Customer Relationship Management (PT/Executive) BUSI4D015 Module
Strategic Human Resource Development (FT) BUSI4B915 Module
Strategic Human Resource Development (PT/Executive) BUSI47915 Module
Strategic Innovation (EBS) BUSI4Y415 Module
Strategic Innovation (Executive) BUSI46515 Module
Strategic Innovation (FT) BUSI46A15 Module
Strategic Leadership BUSI4S115 Module
Strategic Location Management (FT) BUSI4E415 Module
Strategic Location Management (PT/Executive) BUSI4E315 Module
Strategic Management (CPD) BUSI4R210 Module
Strategic Management (EBS) BUSI4O710 Module
Strategic Management (EBS) BUSI41L15 Module
Strategic Management (Executive) BUSI41N15 Module
Strategic Management (FT) BUSI4J010 Module
Strategic Management (FT) BUSI41O15 Module
Strategic Management (Online) BUSI4K920 Module
Strategic Management (Online) BUSI42H15 Module
Strategic Management (Taught) BUSI45M15 Module
Strategic Management (Taught) BUSI4L020 Module
Strategic Marketing (EBS) BUSI4ZJ15 Module
Strategic Marketing (FT) BUSI40B15 Module
Strategic Marketing (Online) BUSI5A515 Module
Strategic Marketing (PT/Executive) BUSI48015 Module
Strategic Marketing Management BUSI5B8JN Module
Strategic Marketing Management BUSI5B815 Module
Strategic Marketing Management (Online) BUSI4D615 Module
Strategic Marketing Management (Taught) BUSI44Q15 Module
Strategic Procurement BUSI4Y015 Module
Strategic Sourcing BUSI4AJ15 Module
Strategic Supply Chain Management (EBS) BUSI4ZK15 Module
Strategic Supply Chain Management (FT) BUSI41B15 Module
Strategic Supply Chain Management (Online) BUSI5A415 Module
Strategic Supply Chain Management (PT/Executive) BUSI48115 Module
Strategic Supply Chain Project BUSI4A060 Module
Strategic Visioning, Leadership and Change Management (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N015 Module
Strategy BUSI421JN Module
Strategy BUSI42115 Module
Strategy (DL) BUSI59430 Module
Strategy (Online) BUSI41Q15 Module
Strategy (Taught) BUSI46W15 Module
Strategy and Organisation BUSI42315 Module
Strategy Simulation and System Thinking BUSI4A5JN Module
Strategy Simulation and System Thinking BUSI4A515 Module
Supply Chain Analytics BUSI4AM15 Module
Supply Chain Risk Management BUSI4AN15 Module
Sustainability and Ethics (EBS) BUSI4O810 Module
Sustainability and Ethics (FT) BUSI4J310 Module
Sustainability and Ethics (Online) BUSI4S5D1 Module
Sustainability and Ethics (Online) BUSI4S5D2 Module
Sustainability and Ethics (Online) BUSI4S510 Module
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (Executive) BUSI48I15 Module
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (FT) BUSI48H15 Module
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (Online) BUSI47T15 Module
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (Taught) BUSI47U15 Module
Sustainable Supply Chain Management BUSI48W15 Module
Sustainable Supply Chain Management BUSI4AI15 Module
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MA) (Online) BUSI49P15 Module
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MA) (Taught) BUSI49Q15 Module
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MBA) (Online) BUSI49N15 Module
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MBA) (Taught) BUSI49O15 Module
Team Research Project BUSI4T415 Module
Technology and Innovation (CPD) BUSI4R610 Module
Technology and Innovation (EBS) BUSI4P610 Module
Technology Innovation (FT) BUSI4M810 Module
Technology Innovation (Online) BUSI4M2D2 Module
Technology Innovation (Online) BUSI4M2D1 Module
Technology Innovation (Taught) BUSI4M310 Module
The Boardroom Exercise BUSI44S15 Module
The Boardroom Exercise (EBS) BUSI4O910 Module
The Boardroom Exercise (EXECUTIVE) BUSI44R15 Module
The Boardroom Exercise (FT) BUSI48N15 Module
The Boardroom Exercise (FT) BUSI4J510 Module
The Ecology of Organisations BUSI49J30 Module
The Entrepreneur's Environment BUSI47G15 Module
The Entrepreneur's Environment (Online) BUSI5C815 Module
The Entrepreneur's Environment (Taught) BUSI44Y15 Module
The Labour Market (EBS) BUSI42Q15 Module
The Labour Market (Executive MBA) BUSI42N15 Module
The Labour Market (Full-Time) BUSI42P15 Module
The Science of Leadership BUSI44UJN Module
The Science of Leadership BUSI44U15 Module
Theory into Practice (Level 4) BUSI4Q160 Module
Theory into Practice (Level 4) (Fudan DBA) BUSI4N760 Module
Theory into Practice (Level 5) BUSI5Q260 Module
Theory into Practice (Level 5) (Fudan DBA) BUSI5H060 Module
Theory of Finance (Online) BUSI45I15 Module
Thinking Entrepreneurially BUSI4X215 Module
Tourism Management (Online) BUSI43U15 Module
Tourism Management (Taught) BUSI44H15 Module
Treasury Management and Capital Markets (FT) BUSI42B15 Module
Treasury Management and Capital Markets (PT/Executive) BUSI48215 Module
Work and Society BUSI5F015 Module
Work and Society BUSI5F0JN Module
Work and Society (Online) BUSI47V15 Module
Work and Society (Taught) BUSI4E015 Module
Writing Workshop (Level 5) BUSI5G990 Module

Lists linked to Postgraduate modules

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