Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Accounting & Finance (FT) |
BUSI4I810 |
Module |
Accounting (EBS) |
BUSI4O110 |
Module |
Accounting, Finance & Economics, SLA |
BUSI4T620 |
Module |
Accounting, Finance and Economics (Online) |
BUSI4K120 |
Module |
Accounting, Finance and Economics (Taught) |
BUSI4K220 |
Module |
Advanced Business Data Analysis and Consultancy (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N630 |
Module |
Advanced Business Modelling (DL) |
BUSI41X15 |
Module |
Advanced Business Modelling (EBS) |
Module |
Advanced Business Modelling (Executive) |
BUSI40N15 |
Module |
Advanced Business Modelling (FT) |
BUSI40O15 |
Module |
Advanced Forecasting |
BUSI4X815 |
Module |
Advanced Management and Marketing Theory |
BUSI4T115 |
Module |
Advanced Marketing Strategy |
Module |
Advanced Marketing Strategy |
BUSI49W15 |
Module |
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (Management and Marketing) |
BUSI4H615 |
Module |
Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis |
BUSI4T215 |
Module |
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods (Management and Marketing) |
BUSI4H715 |
Module |
Advanced Seminars in Management and Marketing |
BUSI4H915 |
Module |
Applied Behaviour Analysis |
Module |
Applied Behaviour Analysis (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N515 |
Module |
Applied Marketing Research (Online) |
BUSI4I315 |
Module |
Applied Marketing Science (DL) |
BUSI4D415 |
Module |
Applied Marketing Science (FT) |
BUSI42415 |
Module |
Applied Seminar in Procurement |
Module |
Approaches to Decision Making (FT) |
BUSI49315 |
Module |
Approaches to Decision Making (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44315 |
Module |
Arts, Heritage and Tourism Marketing |
Module |
Arts, Heritage and Tourism Marketing |
BUSI4G615 |
Module |
Asset Management Planning (FT) |
BUSI49415 |
Module |
Asset Management Planning (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44415 |
Module |
Behavioural Economics and Finance (Full-Time) |
BUSI46I15 |
Module |
Business Analysis (DL) |
BUSI53615 |
Module |
Business Analytics (EBS) |
BUSI4P110 |
Module |
Business Analytics (FT) |
BUSI4M710 |
Module |
Business Analytics (Online) |
BUSI4M010 |
Module |
Business Analytics (Taught) |
BUSI4M110 |
Module |
Business and Management in the Pacific Rim (FT) |
BUSI49815 |
Module |
Business and Management in the Pacific Rim (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44815 |
Module |
Business Economics and Accounting |
BUSI52415 |
Module |
Business Economics and Accounting (Online) |
BUSI41R15 |
Module |
Business Economics and Accounting (Taught) |
BUSI46X15 |
Module |
Business Ethics (FT) |
BUSI49615 |
Module |
Business Ethics (Online) |
BUSI57515 |
Module |
Business Ethics (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44615 |
Module |
Business Research Methods |
BUSI4E615 |
Module |
Business Research: Functions and Disciplines |
BUSI52715 |
Module |
Business to Business Marketing |
BUSI4G515 |
Module |
Business to Business Marketing |
Module |
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (EBS) |
BUSI4Z215 |
Module |
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (Executive) |
BUSI45815 |
Module |
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (FT) |
BUSI52915 |
Module |
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (FT) |
BUSI4A015 |
Module |
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (Online) |
BUSI41V15 |
Module |
Business Transformation Through Information Systems (Online) |
BUSI41T15 |
Module |
Buyer Behaviour & Marketing Communications (Taught) |
BUSI4F015 |
Module |
Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Communications (Online) |
BUSI4D515 |
Module |
Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Innovation |
Module |
Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Innovation |
BUSI42515 |
Module |
Change in Organisations |
BUSI49H30 |
Module |
Change Management |
BUSI4X715 |
Module |
Change Management: Theory and Practice (DL) |
BUSI40K15 |
Module |
Change Management: Theory and Practice (EBS) |
BUSI40V15 |
Module |
Change Management: Theory and Practice (Executive) |
BUSI40X15 |
Module |
Change Management: Theory and Practice (FT) |
Module |
Coaching and Mentoring |
BUSI43130 |
Module |
Competitive Strategies and Organisational Fitness |
BUSI46S15 |
Module |
Competitive Strategies and Organisational Fitness |
Module |
Consulting |
BUSI45J15 |
Module |
Consulting |
Module |
Consumers and Consumerism |
Module |
Consumers and Consumerism |
BUSI4G815 |
Module |
Contemporary Marketing Communication |
BUSI4H215 |
Module |
Contemporary Marketing Communication |
Module |
Corporate Finance (EBS) |
BUSI4Y515 |
Module |
Corporate Finance (FT) |
BUSI49015 |
Module |
Corporate Finance (Online) |
BUSI45T15 |
Module |
Corporate Finance (Online) |
BUSI59715 |
Module |
Corporate Finance (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44015 |
Module |
Corporate Governance (FT) |
BUSI4A115 |
Module |
Corporate Governance (PT/Executive) |
BUSI45015 |
Module |
Corporate Reporting and Control (EBS) |
BUSI4Y615 |
Module |
Corporate Reporting and Control (Executive) |
BUSI45115 |
Module |
Corporate Reporting and Control (FT) |
BUSI4A215 |
Module |
Crisis Management (FT) |
BUSI4A315 |
Module |
Crisis Management (Online) |
BUSI44I15 |
Module |
Crisis Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI45215 |
Module |
Crisis Management (Taught) |
BUSI43I15 |
Module |
Data Analytics for Strategic Decision-Making |
BUSI4R115 |
Module |
Data Science for Business |
BUSI4X915 |
Module |
Decision Analysis for Management Judgement (DL) |
BUSI41215 |
Module |
Decision Making and Business Modelling |
Module |
Decision Making and Business Modelling |
BUSI4G215 |
Module |
Delivering Service Excellence (Online) |
BUSI42W15 |
Module |
Delivering Service Excellence Taught) |
BUSI43J15 |
Module |
Design Thinking for Innovation (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N230 |
Module |
Designing and Marketing Services |
Module |
Designing and Marketing Services |
BUSI49U15 |
Module |
Developing Skills for Business and Leadership |
BUSI41000 |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
BUSI4Q415 |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
Module |
Digital Marketing Strategies (Blended Learning) |
BUSI48P15 |
Module |
Digital Marketing Strategies (Online) |
BUSI48R15 |
Module |
Digital Marketing Strategies (Taught) |
BUSI47I15 |
Module |
Digital Supply Chain |
Module |
Digital, Resilient and Sustainable Procurement |
BUSI4X615 |
Module |
E-Commerce (FT) |
BUSI4A415 |
Module |
E-Commerce (Online) |
BUSI57115 |
Module |
E-Commerce (PT/Executive) |
BUSI45315 |
Module |
East Asian Business and Management |
BUSI5A815 |
Module |
East Asian Business and Management |
Module |
Econometric Methods and Applications |
BUSI54330 |
Module |
Economics for Global Business (EBS) |
BUSI4O210 |
Module |
Effective Sales Force Leadership (Online) |
BUSI42X15 |
Module |
Effective Sales Force Leadership (Taught) |
BUSI43L15 |
Module |
Embedding Enterprise |
BUSI46P15 |
Module |
Employee Relations |
BUSI5C315 |
Module |
Employee Relations |
Module |
Employee Relations & Reward (Online) |
BUSI47J15 |
Module |
Employee Relations & Reward (Taught) |
BUSI4G015 |
Module |
Employee Reward Strategy |
BUSI49Z15 |
Module |
Employee Reward Strategy |
Module |
Employment Relations (FT) |
BUSI4A615 |
Module |
Employment Relations (PT/Executive) |
BUSI45415 |
Module |
Entrepreneurial Management |
BUSI4J710 |
Module |
Entrepreneurial Practice (FT) |
BUSI4J810 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (CPD) |
BUSI4R710 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (EBS) |
BUSI4Y715 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Executive) |
BUSI45515 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (FT) |
BUSI4A715 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (MSc) |
BUSI45X15 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Online) |
BUSI4L210 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Online) |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Online) |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Online) |
BUSI5A115 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Taught) |
BUSI4L310 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Taught) |
BUSI4M515 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship (Taught) |
BUSI43515 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up (Executive) |
BUSI46J15 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up (Full-Time) |
BUSI46K15 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Process |
BUSI47H15 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Process (Online) |
Module |
Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Process (Taught) |
BUSI44Z15 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship and Venture Growth (Taught) |
BUSI48Q15 |
Module |
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice (Level 4) |
BUSI4Q330 |
Module |
Event Management (Online) |
BUSI43P15 |
Module |
Event Management (Taught) |
BUSI43V15 |
Module |
Finance (EBS) |
BUSI4O310 |
Module |
Financial Data Analysis and Econometrics Methods (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N430 |
Module |
Financial Management (DL) |
BUSI54415 |
Module |
Financial Management (Online) |
Module |
Financial Planning and Control (FT) |
BUSI49115 |
Module |
Financial Planning and Control (Online) |
BUSI41515 |
Module |
Financial Planning and Control (Online) |
BUSI45S15 |
Module |
Financial Planning and Control (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44115 |
Module |
Financial Risk Management (FT) |
BUSI49215 |
Module |
Financial Risk Management (Online) |
BUSI41415 |
Module |
Financial Risk Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44215 |
Module |
Financial Risk Management (Taught) |
BUSI4H415 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Operations and Supply Chain Management |
Module |
Fundamentals of The Philosophy of The Social Sciences |
BUSI4S715 |
Module |
Further Topics in Entrepreneurship (Block Taught) |
BUSI44X15 |
Module |
Further Topics in Entrepreneurship (Online) |
BUSI5C915 |
Module |
Global Business |
Module |
Global Business |
BUSI5G815 |
Module |
Global Business (Online) |
BUSI43Q15 |
Module |
Global Business (Taught) |
BUSI43W15 |
Module |
Global Corporate Strategy (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N115 |
Module |
Global Financial Markets and Institutions (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N315 |
Module |
Global Marketing |
Module |
Global Marketing |
BUSI45W15 |
Module |
Global Marketing (Executive) |
BUSI46215 |
Module |
Global Marketing (FT) |
BUSI43A15 |
Module |
Global Marketing (Online) |
BUSI47K15 |
Module |
Global Marketing (Taught) |
BUSI47M15 |
Module |
Global Retailing (Online) |
BUSI42Y15 |
Module |
Global Retailing (Taught) |
BUSI44K15 |
Module |
Global Sport Business |
Module |
Global Sport Business |
BUSI4Q515 |
Module |
Global Strategic Management (FT) |
BUSI4A815 |
Module |
Global Strategic Management (Level 4) |
BUSI4P930 |
Module |
Global Strategic Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI45615 |
Module |
Global Supply Chain and International Logistics Management |
Module |
Global Supply Chain Leadership |
BUSI48Z15 |
Module |
Global Supply Chain Leadership |
Module |
Globalising Strategic Management (Online) |
BUSI42Z15 |
Module |
Globalising Strategic Management (Taught) |
BUSI43M15 |
Module |
Globalizing Strategic Management (EBS) |
BUSI4Y815 |
Module |
Green Supply Chain and Logistics Systems |
Module |
Human Resource Development |
Module |
Human Resource Development |
BUSI45L15 |
Module |
Human Resource Management (FT) |
BUSI53215 |
Module |
Human Resource Management (Online) |
BUSI54515 |
Module |
Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues (Taught) |
BUSI44O15 |
Module |
Human Resource Management: Special Topics (Online) |
BUSI41P15 |
Module |
Improving Management Decision Making (EBS) |
BUSI4Y915 |
Module |
Improving Management Decision Making (FT) |
BUSI4A915 |
Module |
Improving Management Decision Making (Online) |
BUSI46H15 |
Module |
Improving Management Decision Making (PT/Executive) |
BUSI45715 |
Module |
Improving Management Decision Making (Taught) |
BUSI45R15 |
Module |
Individual Research Project |
BUSI4T360 |
Module |
Influencer and Content Marketing: Theory and Practice |
BUSI4X160 |
Module |
Information Systems - Realising the Strategic Potential (DL) |
BUSI54215 |
Module |
Information Systems in the Supply Chain |
BUSI4Z115 |
Module |
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (DL) |
BUSI41W15 |
Module |
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (EBS) |
BUSI40Q15 |
Module |
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (Executive) |
BUSI40S15 |
Module |
Information Systems: Realising the Benefits (FT) |
BUSI40T15 |
Module |
Innovation and Technology Management |
BUSI53315 |
Module |
Innovation and Technology Management |
Module |
Innovation and Technology Management (Level 4) |
BUSI4Q030 |
Module |
International Business in Context (BLENDED) |
BUSI49S15 |
Module |
International Business in Context (FT) |
BUSI4J420 |
Module |
International Business in Context (Taught) |
BUSI4M410 |
Module |
International Economics (FT) |
BUSI40A15 |
Module |
International Economics (PT/Executive) |
BUSI45915 |
Module |
International Finance (FT) |
BUSI41A15 |
Module |
International Finance (PT/Executive) |
BUSI46015 |
Module |
International Financial Management (FT) |
BUSI42A15 |
Module |
International Financial Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI46115 |
Module |
International Human Resource Management (EBS) |
BUSI4Z415 |
Module |
International Human Resource Management (FT) |
BUSI4V215 |
Module |
International Human Resource Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI4V315 |
Module |
International Marketing (Online) |
BUSI47N15 |
Module |
International Marketing (Taught) |
BUSI47L15 |
Module |
International Perspectives on Management |
BUSI45H15 |
Module |
International Strategic Management (Online) |
BUSI54115 |
Module |
International Study Tour |
BUSI47Z15 |
Module |
International Study Tour |
Module |
International Tourism (Online) |
BUSI43H15 |
Module |
International Tourism (Taught) |
BUSI43N15 |
Module |
Internationalisation of Services (FT) |
BUSI44A15 |
Module |
Internationalisation of Services (PT/Executive) |
BUSI46315 |
Module |
Interpreting and Improving Management Accounting Information |
BUSI55615 |
Module |
Introduction to Management |
BUSI4Q715 |
Module |
Investing in and Financing of Real Estate |
BUSI4Z315 |
Module |
Islamic Management |
BUSI4S015 |
Module |
Issues in Public Management (Executive) |
BUSI46415 |
Module |
Issues in Public Management (FT) |
BUSI45A15 |
Module |
Issues in Public Management (Online) |
BUSI57715 |
Module |
Leadership (EBS) |
BUSI4Z515 |
Module |
Leadership (Executive) |
BUSI4P815 |
Module |
Leadership (FT) |
BUSI4E815 |
Module |
Leadership (Online) |
BUSI47O15 |
Module |
Leadership (Online) |
BUSI47W15 |
Module |
Leadership (Taught) |
BUSI47X15 |
Module |
Leadership (Taught) |
BUSI47P15 |
Module |
Leadership and Followership (Level 4) |
BUSI4P730 |
Module |
Leadership in Organisations |
BUSI49I30 |
Module |
Leading and Managing Cultural Change |
BUSI55930 |
Module |
Leading and Managing People (FT) |
BUSI4I710 |
Module |
Leading and Managing People (Online) |
BUSI4K320 |
Module |
Leading and Managing People (Taught) |
BUSI4U020 |
Module |
Leading and Managing People (Taught) |
BUSI4K420 |
Module |
Leading and Managing the Strategic Process |
BUSI55830 |
Module |
Leading Change (CPD) |
BUSI4R510 |
Module |
Leading Change (EBS) |
BUSI4P310 |
Module |
Leading Through Technology |
BUSI40I30 |
Module |
Leading Your Team |
BUSI55415 |
Module |
Logic and Argumentation in the Social Sciences |
BUSI4H815 |
Module |
Macro Perspectives On Business |
BUSI40E15 |
Module |
Management and Career Development (DL) |
BUSI53815 |
Module |
Management Consultancy (EBS) |
BUSI4Z615 |
Module |
Management Consultancy (Executive) |
BUSI46615 |
Module |
Management Consultancy (FT) |
BUSI47A15 |
Module |
Management Consultancy (FT) |
BUSI4J910 |
Module |
Management Consultancy (Online) |
Module |
Management Consultancy (Online) |
BUSI4L610 |
Module |
Management Consultancy (Online) |
Module |
Management Consultancy (Taught) |
BUSI4L710 |
Module |
Management Decision Making |
BUSI41615 |
Module |
Management Information Strategy |
BUSI5C215 |
Module |
Management of Change (Online) |
BUSI41015 |
Module |
Management Theory and Thought (DL) |
BUSI40L15 |
Module |
Managerial Psychology (FT) |
BUSI48A15 |
Module |
Managerial Psychology (Online) |
BUSI50815 |
Module |
Managerial Psychology (PT/Executive) |
BUSI46715 |
Module |
Managing Data-Driven Innovation |
BUSI4Q915 |
Module |
Managing Finance (DL) (to 2009) |
BUSI57015 |
Module |
Managing Finance (EBS) |
BUSI4W815 |
Module |
Managing Finance (FT) |
BUSI48415 |
Module |
Managing Finance (Online) (from 2015) |
BUSI42S15 |
Module |
Managing Finance (Taught) |
BUSI45Q15 |
Module |
Managing Finance 2 (DL) |
BUSI41Y15 |
Module |
Managing Finance 2 (EBS) |
Module |
Managing in the Competitive Environment |
BUSI5F215 |
Module |
Managing in the Competitive Environment (DL) (to 2009) |
BUSI57215 |
Module |
Managing in the Competitive Environment (EBS) |
BUSI4W915 |
Module |
Managing in the Competitive Environment (Executive) |
BUSI43615 |
Module |
Managing in the Competitive Environment (FT) |
BUSI48515 |
Module |
Managing in the Competitive Environment (Online) (from 2010) |
BUSI42T15 |
Module |
Managing in the Competitive Environment (Taught) |
BUSI45O15 |
Module |
Managing in the Global Environment (DL) (to 2009) |
BUSI57315 |
Module |
Managing in the Global Environment (EBS) |
BUSI4Y215 |
Module |
Managing in the Global Environment (Executive) |
BUSI43815 |
Module |
Managing in the Global Environment (FT) |
BUSI48715 |
Module |
Managing in the Global Environment (Online) |
BUSI42U15 |
Module |
Managing in the Global Environment (Taught) |
BUSI45N15 |
Module |
Managing Information (DL) (to 2009) |
BUSI49515 |
Module |
Managing Information (EBS) |
BUSI4Y115 |
Module |
Managing Knowledge |
BUSI4Z715 |
Module |
Managing Legal Risk (EBS) |
BUSI4Z815 |
Module |
Managing Legal Risk (FT) |
BUSI49715 |
Module |
Managing Legal Risk (PT/Executive) |
BUSI44715 |
Module |
Managing Marketing Communications (EBS) |
BUSI4Z915 |
Module |
Managing Marketing Communications (FT) |
BUSI49A15 |
Module |
Managing Marketing Communications (Online) |
BUSI58415 |
Module |
Managing Marketing Communications (PT/Executive) |
BUSI46815 |
Module |
Managing People (DL) (to 2009) |
BUSI57415 |
Module |
Managing People (EBS) |
BUSI4W715 |
Module |
Managing People (EBS) |
BUSI4O410 |
Module |
Managing People (Executive) |
BUSI43415 |
Module |
Managing People (FT) |
BUSI48315 |
Module |
Managing People (Online) (from 2010) |
BUSI42V15 |
Module |
Managing People (Taught) |
BUSI45P15 |
Module |
Managing Process Improvement |
BUSI55715 |
Module |
Managing Social Entrepreneurship |
BUSI44V15 |
Module |
Managing Social Marketing Campaigns (Executive) |
BUSI42J15 |
Module |
Managing Social Marketing Campaigns (Full-Time) |
BUSI42I15 |
Module |
Managing Social Marketing Campaigns (Online) |
BUSI46G15 |
Module |
Managing Systems (DL) |
BUSI59215 |
Module |
Marketing (CPD) |
BUSI4R310 |
Module |
Marketing (EBS) |
BUSI4O510 |
Module |
Marketing (FT) |
BUSI4I910 |
Module |
Marketing (Online) |
BUSI4K520 |
Module |
Marketing (Online) |
Module |
Marketing (Online) |
Module |
Marketing (Taught) |
BUSI4K620 |
Module |
Marketing Management |
BUSI55515 |
Module |
Marketing Management (DL) |
BUSI54315 |
Module |
Marketing Management and Strategy |
Module |
Marketing Management and Strategy |
BUSI4G915 |
Module |
Marketing Psychology (EBS) |
Module |
Marketing Theory |
BUSI4H015 |
Module |
Marketing Theory |
Module |
Marketing Theory and Practice |
BUSI4R930 |
Module |
Methods of Inquiry (DL) (to 2009) |
BUSI50015 |
Module |
Methods of Inquiry (EBS) |
BUSI4Y315 |
Module |
Methods of Inquiry (Executive) |
BUSI43915 |
Module |
Methods of Inquiry (FT) |
BUSI48815 |
Module |
Methods of Inquiry (Online) (from 2010) |
BUSI42R15 |
Module |
Methods of Inquiry (Taught) |
BUSI49M15 |
Module |
Methods of Organisational Inquiry |
BUSI40030 |
Module |
Methods of Organisational Inquiry (15 credits) |
BUSI42K15 |
Module |
Micro Perspectives On Business |
BUSI40C15 |
Module |
Modelling and Analysis for Management (DL) |
BUSI41Z15 |
Module |
Modelling and Analysis for Management (EBS) |
BUSI40Y15 |
Module |
Modelling and Analysis for Management (Executive) |
BUSI41I15 |
Module |
Modelling and Analysis for Management (FT) |
BUSI41J15 |
Module |
Models for Decision (Executive) |
BUSI48J15 |
Module |
Models for Decision (FT) |
BUSI48O15 |
Module |
Negotiation (EBS) |
BUSI4P410 |
Module |
Negotiation Management |
BUSI47Y15 |
Module |
Negotiation Management |
Module |
Negotiation Management |
Module |
Negotiation Management (FT) |
BUSI48K15 |
Module |
New Venture Creation |
Module |
New Venture Creation |
BUSI5C715 |
Module |
New Venture Creation (FT) |
BUSI4B015 |
Module |
New Venture Creation (Online) |
Module |
New Venture Creation (Online) |
Module |
New Venture Creation (Online) |
BUSI4L410 |
Module |
New Venture Creation (Taught) |
BUSI4L510 |
Module |
New Venture Creation and Enterprise Skills (Online) |
BUSI46T15 |
Module |
New Venture Creation and Enterprise Skills (Taught) |
BUSI44W15 |
Module |
New Venutre Creation (PT/Executive) |
BUSI46915 |
Module |
Operations and Supply Chain Management |
BUSI55215 |
Module |
Operations and Supply Chain Management |
Module |
Operations and Supply Chain Management (Online) |
BUSI40M15 |
Module |
Operations and Supply Chain Management (Taught) |
BUSI46Y15 |
Module |
Operations and Technology (CPD) |
BUSI4R410 |
Module |
Operations and Technology (EBS) |
BUSI4O610 |
Module |
Operations and Technology (FT) |
BUSI4J110 |
Module |
Operations and Technology (Online) |
BUSI4K720 |
Module |
Operations and Technology (Taught) |
BUSI4K820 |
Module |
Operations Management |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
BUSI4V815 |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour (Online) |
BUSI5C515 |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour (Taught) |
BUSI46V15 |
Module |
Organisational Context |
BUSI40430 |
Module |
Organisational Context |
BUSI43K15 |
Module |
Organisational Inquiry Report |
BUSI41030 |
Module |
Organising for Strategic Advantage (EBS) |
Module |
Organising for Strategic Advantage (FT) |
BUSI4B115 |
Module |
Organising for Strategic Advantage (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47015 |
Module |
Personal Development |
BUSI41715 |
Module |
Placement (MSc Management) |
BUSI46Q60 |
Module |
Placement (Msc Management) |
BUSI48T60 |
Module |
Portfolio Construction and Management (FT) |
BUSI4B215 |
Module |
Portfolio Construction and Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47115 |
Module |
Power, Control and Resistance in Organisations |
BUSI49K30 |
Module |
Practising Business Research |
BUSI40D15 |
Module |
Practising Business Research (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4M915 |
Module |
Practising Social Marketing (Online) |
BUSI4Z015 |
Module |
Practising Social Marketing (Taught) |
BUSI44P15 |
Module |
Project Management (EBS) |
Module |
Project Management (EBS) |
BUSI4P510 |
Module |
Project Management (FT) |
BUSI43B15 |
Module |
Project Management (FT) |
BUSI4K010 |
Module |
Project Management (MSc) |
BUSI45Y15 |
Module |
Project Management (MSc) |
Module |
Project Management (Online) |
Module |
Project Management (Online) |
BUSI50915 |
Module |
Project Management (Online) |
Module |
Project Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47215 |
Module |
Project Management (Taught) |
BUSI4L910 |
Module |
Project Management (Taught) |
BUSI4M615 |
Module |
Purchasing and Supply Management |
Module |
Qualitative Methods for Doctoral Research |
BUSI4T015 |
Module |
Quality Management (FT) |
BUSI4B315 |
Module |
Quality Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47315 |
Module |
Quantitative Marketing Research (EBS) |
Module |
Quantitative Marketing Research (FT) |
BUSI4B415 |
Module |
Quantitative Marketing Research (Online) |
BUSI40915 |
Module |
Quantitative Marketing Research (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47415 |
Module |
Quantitative Methods for Doctoral Research |
BUSI4S915 |
Module |
Quantitative Methods for Social Science Research I |
BUSI4W115 |
Module |
Real Estate Management and Valuation |
Module |
Reframing Management |
BUSI45K15 |
Module |
Regional Integration and Organizational Response (FT) |
BUSI4B515 |
Module |
Regional Integration and Organizational Response (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47515 |
Module |
Regional Regeneration and Management (FT) |
BUSI4B615 |
Module |
Regional Regeneration and Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47615 |
Module |
Research Design Workshop (Level 4) |
BUSI49L60 |
Module |
Research Design Workshop (Level 5) |
BUSI54060 |
Module |
Research Design, Process and Philosophy |
BUSI4H530 |
Module |
Research Methods (Msc Management - Finance) |
BUSI48Y15 |
Module |
Research Methods (Msc Management) |
BUSI48X15 |
Module |
Research Methods (Online) |
BUSI5A615 |
Module |
Research Methods and Dissertation in Marketing |
BUSI4X060 |
Module |
Research Methods and Philosophical Analysis |
BUSI48V15 |
Module |
Research Methods in Marketing |
BUSI4G715 |
Module |
Research Methods in Marketing |
Module |
Research Proposal (Level 4) |
BUSI40290 |
Module |
Retail Management (Online) |
BUSI43R15 |
Module |
Retail Management (Taught) |
BUSI43X15 |
Module |
Retail Marketing Management |
Module |
Retail Marketing Management |
BUSI49T15 |
Module |
Retail Science |
BUSI4R015 |
Module |
Rigour and Relevance in Business Research |
BUSI4E715 |
Module |
Sales Management (Online) |
BUSI43S15 |
Module |
Sales Management (Taught) |
BUSI43Y15 |
Module |
Scenario Thinking (Online) |
BUSI46N15 |
Module |
Scenario Thinking (Taught) |
BUSI46O15 |
Module |
Security Analysis (FT) |
BUSI4B715 |
Module |
Security Analysis (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47715 |
Module |
Service Operations and Analytics |
Module |
Services Management (Online) |
BUSI43T15 |
Module |
Services Management (Taught) |
BUSI43Z15 |
Module |
Silicon Valley Field Trip |
BUSI4Q615 |
Module |
Small Business |
BUSI5B415 |
Module |
Small Business Management (EBS) |
Module |
Small Business Management (FT) |
BUSI4B815 |
Module |
Small Business Management (Online) |
BUSI54615 |
Module |
Small Business Management (Online) |
BUSI59515 |
Module |
Small Business Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47815 |
Module |
Small Business Management (Taught) |
BUSI46R15 |
Module |
Social Entrepreneurship (Online) |
BUSI44J15 |
Module |
Social Entrepreneurship (Taught) |
BUSI43O15 |
Module |
Social Marketing |
Module |
Social Marketing |
BUSI4G415 |
Module |
Social Media Strategies (Blended-Learning) |
BUSI47Q15 |
Module |
Social Media Strategies (Online) |
BUSI47R15 |
Module |
Social Media Strategies (Taught) |
BUSI47S15 |
Module |
Strategic Awareness and Marketing |
BUSI40130 |
Module |
Strategic Brand Management |
BUSI49V15 |
Module |
Strategic Brand Management |
Module |
Strategic Case Analysis |
BUSI4L160 |
Module |
Strategic Case Analysis (Online) |
Module |
Strategic Case Analysis (Online) |
Module |
Strategic Consulting Project |
Module |
Strategic Consulting Project |
Module |
Strategic Customer Relationship Management (FT) |
BUSI4E115 |
Module |
Strategic Customer Relationship Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI4D015 |
Module |
Strategic Human Resource Development (FT) |
BUSI4B915 |
Module |
Strategic Human Resource Development (PT/Executive) |
BUSI47915 |
Module |
Strategic Innovation (EBS) |
BUSI4Y415 |
Module |
Strategic Innovation (Executive) |
BUSI46515 |
Module |
Strategic Innovation (FT) |
BUSI46A15 |
Module |
Strategic Leadership |
BUSI4S115 |
Module |
Strategic Location Management (FT) |
BUSI4E415 |
Module |
Strategic Location Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI4E315 |
Module |
Strategic Management (CPD) |
BUSI4R210 |
Module |
Strategic Management (EBS) |
BUSI4O710 |
Module |
Strategic Management (EBS) |
BUSI41L15 |
Module |
Strategic Management (Executive) |
BUSI41N15 |
Module |
Strategic Management (FT) |
BUSI4J010 |
Module |
Strategic Management (FT) |
BUSI41O15 |
Module |
Strategic Management (Online) |
BUSI4K920 |
Module |
Strategic Management (Online) |
BUSI42H15 |
Module |
Strategic Management (Taught) |
BUSI45M15 |
Module |
Strategic Management (Taught) |
BUSI4L020 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing (EBS) |
Module |
Strategic Marketing (FT) |
BUSI40B15 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing (Online) |
BUSI5A515 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing (PT/Executive) |
BUSI48015 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing Management |
Module |
Strategic Marketing Management |
BUSI5B815 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing Management (Online) |
BUSI4D615 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing Management (Taught) |
BUSI44Q15 |
Module |
Strategic Procurement |
BUSI4Y015 |
Module |
Strategic Sourcing |
Module |
Strategic Supply Chain Management (EBS) |
Module |
Strategic Supply Chain Management (FT) |
BUSI41B15 |
Module |
Strategic Supply Chain Management (Online) |
BUSI5A415 |
Module |
Strategic Supply Chain Management (PT/Executive) |
BUSI48115 |
Module |
Strategic Supply Chain Project |
BUSI4A060 |
Module |
Strategic Visioning, Leadership and Change Management (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N015 |
Module |
Strategy |
Module |
Strategy |
BUSI42115 |
Module |
Strategy (DL) |
BUSI59430 |
Module |
Strategy (Online) |
BUSI41Q15 |
Module |
Strategy (Taught) |
BUSI46W15 |
Module |
Strategy and Organisation |
BUSI42315 |
Module |
Strategy Simulation and System Thinking |
Module |
Strategy Simulation and System Thinking |
BUSI4A515 |
Module |
Supply Chain Analytics |
Module |
Supply Chain Risk Management |
Module |
Sustainability and Ethics (EBS) |
BUSI4O810 |
Module |
Sustainability and Ethics (FT) |
BUSI4J310 |
Module |
Sustainability and Ethics (Online) |
Module |
Sustainability and Ethics (Online) |
Module |
Sustainability and Ethics (Online) |
BUSI4S510 |
Module |
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (Executive) |
BUSI48I15 |
Module |
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (FT) |
BUSI48H15 |
Module |
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (Online) |
BUSI47T15 |
Module |
Sustainability, Ethics and Change (Taught) |
BUSI47U15 |
Module |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management |
BUSI48W15 |
Module |
Sustainable Supply Chain Management |
Module |
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MA) (Online) |
BUSI49P15 |
Module |
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MA) (Taught) |
BUSI49Q15 |
Module |
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MBA) (Online) |
BUSI49N15 |
Module |
Sustaining Change in Organisations (MBA) (Taught) |
BUSI49O15 |
Module |
Team Research Project |
BUSI4T415 |
Module |
Technology and Innovation (CPD) |
BUSI4R610 |
Module |
Technology and Innovation (EBS) |
BUSI4P610 |
Module |
Technology Innovation (FT) |
BUSI4M810 |
Module |
Technology Innovation (Online) |
Module |
Technology Innovation (Online) |
Module |
Technology Innovation (Taught) |
BUSI4M310 |
Module |
The Boardroom Exercise |
BUSI44S15 |
Module |
The Boardroom Exercise (EBS) |
BUSI4O910 |
Module |
The Boardroom Exercise (EXECUTIVE) |
BUSI44R15 |
Module |
The Boardroom Exercise (FT) |
BUSI48N15 |
Module |
The Boardroom Exercise (FT) |
BUSI4J510 |
Module |
The Ecology of Organisations |
BUSI49J30 |
Module |
The Entrepreneur's Environment |
BUSI47G15 |
Module |
The Entrepreneur's Environment (Online)
BUSI5C815 |
Module |
The Entrepreneur's Environment (Taught)
BUSI44Y15 |
Module |
The Labour Market (EBS) |
BUSI42Q15 |
Module |
The Labour Market (Executive MBA) |
BUSI42N15 |
Module |
The Labour Market (Full-Time) |
BUSI42P15 |
Module |
The Science of Leadership |
Module |
The Science of Leadership |
BUSI44U15 |
Module |
Theory into Practice (Level 4) |
BUSI4Q160 |
Module |
Theory into Practice (Level 4) (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI4N760 |
Module |
Theory into Practice (Level 5) |
BUSI5Q260 |
Module |
Theory into Practice (Level 5) (Fudan DBA) |
BUSI5H060 |
Module |
Theory of Finance (Online) |
BUSI45I15 |
Module |
Thinking Entrepreneurially |
BUSI4X215 |
Module |
Tourism Management (Online) |
BUSI43U15 |
Module |
Tourism Management (Taught) |
BUSI44H15 |
Module |
Treasury Management and Capital Markets (FT) |
BUSI42B15 |
Module |
Treasury Management and Capital Markets (PT/Executive) |
BUSI48215 |
Module |
Work and Society |
BUSI5F015 |
Module |
Work and Society |
Module |
Work and Society (Online) |
BUSI47V15 |
Module |
Work and Society (Taught) |
BUSI4E015 |
Module |
Writing Workshop (Level 5) |
BUSI5G990 |
Module |