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Advanced Greek 2A CLAS2171 Module
Advanced Greek 2B CLAS2181 Module
Advanced Greek 3A CLAS3421 Module
Advanced Greek 3B CLAS3411 Module
Advanced Latin 2A CLAS2191 Module
Advanced Latin 2B CLAS2121 Module
Advanced Latin 2C CLAS2851 Module
Advanced Latin 3A CLAS3401 Module
Advanced Latin 3B CLAS3391 Module
Advanced Latin 3C CLAS3741 Module
Alexandria CLAS2841 Module
Ancient Epistolography CLAS2731 Module
Ancient Political Thought & Action CLAS2761 Module
Ancient Science CLAS2901 Module
Beauty and Goodness CLAS2931 Module
Beginners' Greek 1 CLAS1072 Module
Beginners' Greek 2 CLAS2062 Module
Beginners' Greek 3 CLAS3792 Module
Beginners' Latin 1 CLAS1062 Module
Beginners' Latin 2 CLAS2032 Module
Beginners' Latin 3 CLAS3802 Module
Classical Receptions and Contemporary Culture CLAS2891 Module
Classical Theories of Soul CLAS2801 Module
Classical Victorians: Greco-Roman Antiquity in Nineteenth-Century Britain CLAS3761 Module
Comedy & Tragedy, Laughter & Sorrow CLAS3701 Module
Comedy and Tragedy, Laughter and Sorrow CLAS2971 Module
Creation and Cosmology CLAS2641 Module
Crisis of the Roman Republic CLAS2131 Module
Death in the Classical World CLAS2861 Module
Dialogues with Antiquity: The Classical Past in the Visual Arts from the Middle Ages to Modernity CLAS2811 Module
Dissertation (40 Credits) CLAS3612 Module
Early Christianity: Experience and Memory CLAS1771 Module
Early Greek Philosophy CLAS1101 Module
Emperors & Dynasties: from the Julio-Claudians to Diocletian's Tetrarchy CLAS2661 Module
Empire & Religion in the Age of Constantine CLAS1791 Module
Greek and Latin Literature of the Fourth-Sixth Centuries A.D. CLAS3721 Module
Greek and Latin Literature of the Second Century A.D. CLAS3631 Module
Greek Art and Architecture CLAS2961 Module
Greek Art and Architecture CLAS1721 Module
Greek Literature and the Near East CLAS2601 Module
Greeks & Persians (c 560 - 336 BC) CLAS3551 Module
Happiness in Ancient Philosophy CLAS3871 Module
Higher Greek 3A CLAS3441 Module
Higher Greek 3B CLAS3431 Module
Higher Latin 3A CLAS3231 Module
Higher Latin 3B CLAS3241 Module
Intermediate Greek 1A CLAS1541 Module
Intermediate Greek 1B CLAS1551 Module
Intermediate Greek 2A CLAS2541 Module
Intermediate Greek 2B CLAS2551 Module
Intermediate Greek 3A CLAS3641 Module
Intermediate Greek 3B CLAS3651 Module
Intermediate Latin 1A CLAS1561 Module
Intermediate Latin 1B CLAS1571 Module
Intermediate Latin 2A CLAS2521 Module
Intermediate Latin 2B CLAS2531 Module
Intermediate Latin 3A CLAS3681 Module
Intermediate Latin 3B CLAS3691 Module
Interpreting Greek Tragedy Today CLAS2621 Module
Introduction to the Greek World CLAS1601 Module
Knowledge and Doubt in Hellenistic Philosophy CLAS3541 Module
Language, Translation, Interpretation CLAS1701 Module
Latin Literature of the Early Empire CLAS2721 Module
Leadership and Leaders in the Roman World CLAS45130 Module
Lives and Afterlives of the Greek and Roman Poets CLAS3661 Module
Lives of Objects - Greek and Roman Antiquity CLAS1781 Module
Living in the Classical World CLAS1741 Module
Living in the Classical World CLAS2831 Module
Love and Sex in Ancient Poetry CLAS3341 Module
Monuments and Memory in the Age of Augustus CLAS1301 Module
Myth, Memory and History CLAS3371 Module
Myths of Transformation in Ovid's Metamorphoses CLAS2881 Module
Pompeii & Herculaneum: Rediscovery & Reconstruction CLAS3711 Module
Roman Buildings & their Decoration CLAS2631 Module
Roman Law & Latin Literature CLAS3751 Module
Roman Religion CLAS2911 Module
Roman Syria CLAS3491 Module
Sing Me o Muse': Poetic Initiation, Inspiration and Heroism CLAS3811 Module
Small Literary Forms CLAS3821 Module
Socrates and the Socratics CLAS1761 Module
Stoicism CLAS2791 Module
Technologies of Knowledge in Antiquity CLAS3731 Module
The City of Athens CLAS2941 Module
The Craft of the Ancient Historian CLAS1731 Module
The Hellenistic World CLAS2781 Module
The History of Writing in the Ancient Mediterranean CLAS3791 Module
The Late Roman World CLAS3671 Module
The Life and Times of Cicero CLAS3601 Module
The Literature and Language of Ancient Babylon: an Introduction CLAS2921 Module
The Literature and Language Ofancient Babylon: an Introduction CLAS3331 Module
The Origins of Civilisation CLAS3781 Module
The World of Catullus CLAS3571 Module
Theatre & Spectacle in Ancient Rome CLAS2871 Module
Traditions of Epic CLAS2151 Module
Urbs Roma CLAS3321 Module
Writing Alexander CLAS3581 Module

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