Browse Level

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Readings in Political Economy SGIA3821 Module
Advanced Topics in International Political Theory SGIA3501 Module
Advanced Topics in International Political Theory: The International Politics of the Everyday SGIA3801 Module
Advanced Topics in International Relations SGIA3541 Module
Analytical Politics SGIA2361 Module
Are Voters Really Rational? The Political Economy of Political Behaviour and Its Discontents SGIA3831 Module
British Political Thought Since 1850 SGIA3171 Module
Capitalism: History and Theory SGIA2401 Module
Challenges and Conflict in European Politics SGIA2371 Module
China in Global Political Economy SGIA3381 Module
China in the Asian Century: Domestic Challenges, Global Rise. SGIA3601 Module
Class, Nation and British Politics SGIA2351 Module
Climate, Nature and the Global Economy SGIA3711 Module
Crises, Governance, and Struggle: Finance and The World Economy SGIA3751 Module
Culture and Conflict in American Politics SGIA3211 Module
Debates in Political Theory SGIA2321 Module
Decolonizing International Society SGIA3741 Module
Democracy, Conflict and American Politics SGIA2381 Module
Democratic Political Systems SGIA1191 Module
Democratic Practice in the United States: Campaigns, Elections and Voter Behaviour SGIA3531 Module
Diasporas and Global Politics SGIA3781 Module
Digital Democracy SGIA3721 Module
Dissertation in Politics SGIA3142 Module
Elections and British Politics SGIA3441 Module
Expanding the Sphere of Justice: The Ethics of Race, Disability, Species, and Children SGIA3631 Module
Foundations of Western Political Thought SGIA2171 Module
Gender and Politics SGIA2411 Module
German Politics and Society SGIA2231 Module
Global Political Economy SGIA2301 Module
Global Politics in the Anthropocene: Securing the Environment SGIA3731 Module
Global Regions in International Relations SGIA1081 Module
Intelligence, The State and International Security SGIA3771 Module
International Organisatons SGIA2261 Module
International Relations and Security in the Middle East SGIA3491 Module
International Relations Theory in International Practice: History, Geography and Ideas SGIA3661 Module
International Security, Interdependence and Organisation SGIA1071 Module
International Theory SGIA2131 Module
Introduction to Comparative Politics SGIA1211 Module
Introduction to International Relations SGIA1221 Module
Introduction to Political Theory SGIA1231 Module
Israel: Politics and Society SGIA3421 Module
Marx and Marxism SGIA3761 Module
Middle East and the International System SGIA2391 Module
Middle East in the International System SGIA2311 Module
Muslims and Politics in the Modern World SGIA3271 Module
Nations and Nationalism SGIA3401 Module
Origins of Political Institutions SGIA3551 Module
Parliamentary Studies SGIA3651 Module
Parties, MPs and Parliamentary Politics in Britain SGIA3461 Module
Political Economy Perspectives SGIA1241 Module
Political Psychology in International Relations SGIA3511 Module
Politics and Identity in Contemporary Germany SGIA2331 Module
Politics and International Relations of East Asia SGIA2161 Module
Politics Into Schools SGIA3591 Module
Politics of Covid-19 SGIA3791 Module
Poverty or Prosperity? The Political Economy of Development SGIA3681 Module
Research Project SGIA2341 Module
Researching Politics and International Relations SGIA1201 Module
Social and Political Philosophy SGIA3561 Module
Sovereignty, State and Empire SGIA2281 Module
Special Topic On European Union Politics SGIA3571 Module
Special Topic On Pacific Asia SGIA3521 Module
Suffrage Politics: from Past to Present SGIA3701 Module
The American Presidency SGIA3311 Module
The Culture Wars: Past, Present, Future SGIA3811 Module
The Ethics of Violence in International Relations SGIA3201 Module
The New Germany SGIA3221 Module
The Political Science of Contemporary Issues SGIA3691 Module
The Politics of Inequality SGIA3671 Module
The Theory and Ethics of Political Violence. SGIA3641 Module
Theories of Liberty SGIA3291 Module
Women, Gender and Politics in the US and UK SGIA3611 Module
Youth and Youth Policy in the Global Political Economy SGIA3621 Module

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