Lists linked to Conversations With History

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
'Vive la Commune? The lives and afterlives of the Paris Commune of 1871' Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:43:31
A Controversial Experiment: Shifting Views of the US Occupation of Japan Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:19:01
Babylon, Cabaret, Glitter and Doom? Demythologising the Weimar Republic Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:57:59
Black History Matters Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:13:32
Capitalism and the Colonies: Economic Histories and Legacies of Empire Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 15:01:55
Class, Culture, and War: British Politics 1900-1951 Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:56:53
Constructing Ethnicity in the Qing Dynasty Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:55:53
Conversations Fascination and Fear Academic year 2024-25 24/01/2025 14:17:11
Conversations with History: Muslims, Jews, and Christians in the Medieval Mediterranean Academic year 2024-25 07/10/2024 11:07:09
Conversion and Christianisation in the Mediterranean and Western Europe (300-900) Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 13:25:04
Debating the ‘Hindu-Muslim encounter’ in South Asian historiography Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:04:16
Decolonizing Africa Academic year 2024-25 23/10/2024 14:14:21
Discipline and Modernity Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:55:24
Empire, the East India Company, and the Trade in Knowledge, 1757-1858 Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:57:21
Evaluating Medical Science in Britain Through Disability History 1880 - 1980 Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 13:13:19
History and Guilt Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:56:09
Human Rights and Humanitarian Action in History Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:59:13
Immigrant England in the Later Middle Ages Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:56:02
In Search of Vikings Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:57:03
Industrial Revolutions Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:57:30
Industrial Revolutions: interpreting social and economic change in Britain Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:44:52
Interpreting Stalin's Soviet Union Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:56:35
Making Americas Empire Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:08:00
Marginal Tudors Academic year 2024-25 24/02/2025 12:40:10
Medieval Women and their Historians Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:56:16
Money in Africa Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:43:37
Nature and Power in East Asian History Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 13:13:12
Nixon, Kissinger and US Foreign Policy in the 1970s Academic year 2024-25 08/10/2024 13:46:52
Perspectives on Apartheid South Africa: From Political Economy to Popular Culture Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:59:04
Perspectives on Politics and Political Change: Britain, 1832-1884 Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:58:16
Plague, Protest and Climate Change in an Age of Transition Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:58:54
Politics and Reform in America, 1877-1914 Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 13:17:39
Power and Peoples Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:59:22
Power, agency and social relations Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:57:12
Rewriting South Asian History: Subaltern Studies Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:42:37
Sexuality and Gender in Revolutionary Russia Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:58:10
Slavery and Abolition in the British Empire Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:57:38
Slavery in Africa Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 15:58:00
Sport in Modern History Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 13:45:03
The Built Environment Academic year 2024-25 24/02/2025 12:06:04
The End of the Middle Ages: England in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:56:23
The End of the Roman Empire Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:56:44
The Eternal City Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:58:23
Third American Revolution? The 1930s: From Depression to New Deal Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 14:10:14
Useful Toil: The Meanings and Experiences of Work in Europe, c.1550-1850 Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 15:38:09
What's the News? Sawcy Scribblers in Restoration England Academic year 2024-25 21/05/2024 11:57:45
‘Courtesan Queens’: Female Performers and Power in South Asia Academic year 2024-25 21/11/2024 17:18:13